Capt. Rusty Gets an Award

In Daytona Beach last week, I received an award from the National Water Safety Congress for the work I have done in the area of safe boating. However, this award really belongs to all of those who provide me with the resources and platforms, such as “WOB”, that give me incredible opportunities to talk about my passion.

President McKinley on the WOB

I know that the President McKinley bit can sometimes get slightly derailed but its all based off of real solid information. McKinley Williams is a real honest to goodness financial professional and he is working a paper portfolio for Greg.

The idea is that (as all true boat owners know) that boats cost more than just your purchase price.

That is why it is so important to buy your boat and still have money that can be working for you that can provide some income to help support your boat.

If you are looking for a pro that can help you with your account contact 1800-592-7575 and ask for McKinley Williams