WOB crew gets a little too close to guests?
Did Greg-Your 1st Mate and Bill the Engineer have a little too much fun at the recent grand opening of the new Regal boat showroom? It was a lovefest indeed at this new showcase facility now open for all to experience in Orlando Florida. Check out the live World of Boating broadcast from the event on the 3-20-10. However, one has to wonder if Greg went a bit overboard when he claimed he could “hear the ocean” when taking this picture….;-)
Boating Fling schedule for the Bahamas announced on WOB!
Richard Treco from the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism checks in with WOBs Greg-Your 1st Mate to announce the 2010 Bahamas boating fling schedule. Here all about this unique guided island hopping experience on the 3-6-10 edition of the World of Boating.
Divers should also check out the Bahamas new on-line booking engine. Specials from practically every dive operator in the Bahamas and everything you need to plan your next big Bahamas dive adventure can now be found at BahamasDiving.com!
Trailer Maintenance
Maintaining your boat trailer should be number one on your list of things to do because without a working trailer, you aren’t going A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E!
Jim “The Sarge” Barnhill has been helping people keep their trailers in shape for over 20 years. Listen in as Sarge goes over the important maintenance that you don’t want to put off.